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Ceremonial Cacao

Regular price $25.00 USD
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Mother Cacao is a powerful yet gentle and loving plant ally perfect for those who want to tune in to the heart space and cultivate softness, love, and self reflection.

Cacao is a beautiful medicine for meditation, ceremony, rituals, or simply to start the day with mindfulness and high vibrations. 

⋗ EARTH MAGIC is a wise and powerful blend of Cacao from Guatemala. 100% pure Earth magic and nothing else. Uplifting, energizing, and grounding. This blend is perfect for self reflection, journaling, and mindful movement. Comes in a 4 oz pouch

How to prepare Ceremonial Cacao:

1. bring 8 oz of vegan milk to a low heat (do not boil your milk or Cacao to avoid killing beneficial nutrients).

2. Melt 2 tablespoons of Cacao in the hot milk, stirring often. For a ceremonial dose, use 3-4 tablespoons (approx 1 oz)

3. Make it creamy! Place the Cacao in a blender or use a handheld frother

4. Find a meditative space and set an intention with gratitude before taking your first sip.

 Enjoy the love and sacredness this Plantcestor brings. May it uplift your sacred rituals. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
Madison Toews

Ceremonial Cacao

Alexia Eubanks
Very lovely

I ordered the Rose Cacao sample and it was absolutely divine

Nadia @theaquamysticflow

I loveee this cacao! It taste really good with my homemade walnut milk & with my living water! This cacao gives the love, warm feelings to be in tuned in the body and it’s such a soothing cacao! I love how it taste by it self. Some days I’d like to add coconut oil, cinnamon and some herbs etc. making the magical cacao with the good intentions. Delicioussss!


Cacao is exactly as gentle, healing, softening, and wonderful as Shanti and everyone else has said. It has helped me immensely with my anxiety during a very turbulent time in my life. I believe sitting with cacao is something everyone interested should try!
Cacao is also exceptional in tandem with other practices or plant medicines, it has been like a hug of support during my hapé practice

Lily Sandoval
Really rich good chocolate

Used this for the first day of my menstrual cycle and it was so good and chocolaty rich in flavor